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More Than A Nichols Worth is a platform that delves into the realms of arts, entertainment, media, and business innovation, spotlighting the world’s influential figures. We cater to a global audience of intellectuals, business moguls, and engaged consumers. Moreover, we prioritize providing our marketing and advertising partners with effective and positive spaces.

While we may not necessarily endorse every advertisement displayed, we hold ourselves to certain ethical standards regarding advertising and sponsored content across all our platforms. To ensure transparency and maintain integrity, we’ve established straightforward guidelines for advertisers to adhere to:

Honesty: Advertisements must be based on verifiable claims and should avoid any content that is false, misleading, fraudulent, or deceptive.

Kindness: Advertisements must refrain from promoting discrimination or practices that could harm marginalized groups.

Consideration: Advertisements must respect the intellectual property rights, privacy, publicity, and creative works of others, with advertisers being responsible for obtaining necessary permissions.

Legality: Advertisements must comply with all relevant laws and regulations.

While we continuously strive to reflect the evolving ethical standards of society, we reserve the right to revise or update these guidelines as needed.

Advertising Practices We Prohibit:

We do not permit advertisements that:

  • Are unlawful, defamatory, shocking, inflammatory, violent, obscene, or sexually provocative.
  • Promote discrimination, harassment, or create a hostile environment.
  • Utilize offensive language, ethnic slurs, or personal insults.
  • Encourage unsafe or illegal activities, including deceptive promotional practices such as pyramid schemes or payday loans.
  • Feature health-related “before-and-after” images or promote negative self-perception to sell diet or weight-loss products.
  • Contain harmful content like malware or viruses.

Advertising We May Allow with Extra Care:

While we carefully review all advertising content, certain categories require heightened scrutiny due to their sensitive nature or susceptibility to misleading statements:

Politics: Advertisements related to political parties, candidates, or issues are subject to close evaluation.

Social Responsibility: Advertisements highlighting a corporation’s efforts in environmental sustainability, community assistance, human rights, or philanthropy are considered, provided they meet our transparency standards.

Social Issues: Advertisements addressing conflicts, natural disasters, emergencies, or acts of violence may be permitted, but their content will be closely scrutinized.

At More Than A Nichols Worth, we prioritize maintaining a trustworthy and transparent platform for our audience and advertisers alike. We appreciate your cooperation in upholding these standards.